The keynote of TS EN ISO 27001 is: 2013 Information Security Management System; With the ARD Group Defence Software Services; To indicate that information security management is provided within the human, infrastructure, software, hardware, customer information, organization information, third party information, financial information, to ensure the risk management, to measure information security management process performance and to ensure that relations with the third party are coordinated in scope related to information security.
In this direction, the main target of our ISMS Policy is;
- To protect all the including information against all kinds of threats that may arise from inside or outside, conscious or unconscious, ARD Group provides required information accessibility within business processes, to meet legal regulatory requirements, and provides continious improvement work,
- To ensure the continuity of three basic elements of the Information Security Management System in all activities carried out
Confidentiality: Prevention of unauthorized Access to critical information
Integrity: Demonstration of information integrity and accuracy
Accessibility: To demonstrate the availability of information by authorized person as it needed.
- To deal with the security of all data. Not just stored in electronic environment, but also in written, printed, oral and alike.
- Ensuring that Information Security Management traininig provided aware of all personnel.
- To report any actual or suspicious disclosures in Information Security to the ISMS Team and ensure that it is investigated.
- To prepare, maintain and test business continuity plans.
- To determine current risks by making periodic assessments on Information Security. As a result of the evaluations, observe and follow up the action plans.
- To prevent any disagreement and arising conflict from the contracts.
- Information Accessibility for Information systems to meet business requirements.